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#Best (Today's Average)AvgToday
21MSX Image Hosting17.5437
22MSX Web Game16.5921
23The MSX Games bOX16.320
24MSX Calamar15.918
25MSX Café15.490
26Recuerdos de 8 Bits14.941
27Raymond's MSX Pagina14.889
28MSX Rating14.664
29The MSX Files14.471

#Best (Average Points)Pts/DayToday
21UZIX - UNIX Implementation for MSX6.150
22MSX Argentina5.820
23Generation MSX5.770
25Amusement Factory5.212
26EdiOS Project5.180
27the MSX page4.990
28sharksym's MSX World4.842
29MarMSX Develop4.5436
30Revistas MSX en espa±ol4.530

#Best (Max)MaxToday
21MSX Image Hosting47637
22Chicletes para o Cérebro4744
23MSX Web Game46921
24MSX Hardware Pagina4661
25MSXVIVA! Comunidad MSX4641
26Univers MSX4611
27blueMSX on MSX blue45820
28Fabf MSX page4571
29sharksym's MSX World4562
30MSX Eggerland4532
#Best (Average)AvgToday
21MSX Image Hosting17.5337
22MSX Web Game16.5921
23The MSX Games bOX16.320
24MSX Calamar15.918
25MSX Café15.500
26Recuerdos de 8 Bits14.941
27Raymond's MSX Pagina14.889
28MSX Rating14.664
29The MSX Files14.471

#Best (Points)PointsToday
21Generation MSX396040
22MSX Argentina396010
23Un Mundo de Retro Juegos38540132
25Amusement Factory357702
26EdiOS Project352850
27the MSX page342720
28MarMSX Develop3093436
29Revistas MSX en espa±ol308690

#New SitesDaysToday
21Chicletes para o Cérebro26334
22Distrito Entebras27610
23MSX Nostalgia30420
24MSX Online Games30810
25MSX Web Game317221
26Retrogaming Total32140
27MSX Hardware Pagina32521
28MSXVIVA! Comunidad MSX33471
29MSX VIVA! Comunidad MSX33540
30MSX Assembleur34580
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#Today's site position. Red means worse than yesterday. Green means better than yesterday.
#yYesterday's site position.
SiteSite name and link.
TodayNumber of different IPs accessed the site today. Red means the number of visits is below the daily average. Green means the number of visits is above the daily average. Blue means today is the most visited day of site's history.
BestNumber of days the site finished as "number one".
Top5~Top50   Number of days the site finished among the 50 best sites.
MaxMaximum number of different visits the site ever had in a single day.
TotalTotal of different visits since the register date.
DaysNumber of days since the site was registered.
AvgAverage number of different visits per day.
PointsA weighted sum of all Best (16 points), Top5 (8 points), Top10 (4 points), Top25 (2 points) and Top50 (1 point) a site had in the past.

Visitor #29177 since 10/02/2006