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There are 163 registered sites, with 780 total visitors today.
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# #y Site Today Best! Top5 Top10 Top25 Top50 Max Total Days Avg
11Un Mundo de Retro Juegos1304351963856314061722661398694414296.26
32MSX Games World87217615055185125415711633824099693744643.69
54MSX Village3829391026913126326730385955395232113.83
66SymbOS MSX multitasking operating system37816118628741537412949497176649376.57
718MSX Image Hosting371104362170227521242941244817.54
88The Retro Hacker3502835919661241903068427.82
95MSX Zone - Computer Emuzone343231336162174425254523454492680966.75
107MarMSX Develop349960156037851473215389438682013.11
1112MSX Web Game21015354250523017052633317316.59
1210blueMSX on MSX blue194231927189546303034282274794366475.00
1314MSX JAPAN18111910471022214655893218925.53
149MSXPró - The Hardware Page141871993740584311474201231177686833.66
1511Associazione MSX Italia131114219746361574829819.29
1813Raymond's MSX Pagina91751516220228156121398957665214.88
1916Electric Adventures98537100196787402794343556557.68
2019MSX Calamar8116962543139847931769385436215.91
2122TSX Files Repository80144514007003182102121899.60
2292MSX Sampa713492204047602171068643.16
2328MSXDEV Team51812681111172043560720168166680224.72
2425MSX Resources5451261119312813461576118437481424.60
2520MSXALL Portal54299680627924818816181010.40
2621MSX Rating42573195218521163496100226683714.66
2741Chicletes para o Cérebro40131231315662621262026344.79
2863Msxflash info site of OMNISOFT and selling31741692685993438732918561804.72
2924Z80ST Site31631356321188616031195433560329.01
3038MSX Legend32363086431041422926651475.69
3129sharksym's MSX World2160557323158564718371885369819.44
3334MSX Basic Games216220151928611813690248967.54
3426MSX Eggerland211032422782451529937474.08
35103Ghosts'n Goblins for MSX Project2341012643021871630861382.66
#Best (Average)AvgToday
1MSX Games World643.8487
3MSX Village113.8438
4Un Mundo de Retro Juegos96.25130
6SymbOS MSX multitasking operating system76.5837
7blueMSX on MSX blue75.0119
8MSX Zone - Computer Emuzone66.7534
10MSX Zone52.230

#Best (Points)PointsToday
3MSX Zone1703130
4SymbOS MSX multitasking operating system14399437
5MSX Village13481738
6Passion MSX950230
7MSX Posse901880
8MSX Zone - Computer Emuzone8959934
9MSX Games World7167587

#New SitesDaysToday
2MSX Barcelona251
3MSX Freeware Distribution - Garden.251
4Associazione MSX Italia29713
6smart duck6110
7The Retro Hacker68335
8Behavioral phenotyping - Spectravideo files9390
9MSX ETC BR11621
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#Today's site position. Red means worse than yesterday. Green means better than yesterday.
#yYesterday's site position.
SiteSite name and link.
TodayNumber of different IPs accessed the site today. Red means the number of visits is below the daily average. Green means the number of visits is above the daily average. Blue means today is the most visited day of site's history. If you place the mouse pointer over this number and wait for a while, the site ratio will be displayed.
BestNumber of days the site finished as "number one".
Top5~Top50   Number of days the site finished among the 50 best sites.
MaxMaximum number of different visits the site ever had in a single day.
TotalTotal of different visits since the register date.
DaysNumber of days since the site was registered.
AvgAverage number of different visits per day.
PointsA weighted sum of all Best (16 points), Top5 (8 points), Top10 (4 points), Top25 (2 points) and Top50 (1 point) a site had in the past.

Visitor #235799 since 10/02/2006